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Offshore Support Vessel OCEA OSV 190 SC-WB “KRI-934 SPICA” on operation in Palu Bay

The KRI-934 SPICA, one of the two Indonesian Navy hydro-oceanographic ships type OCEA OSV 190 SC-WB, was deployed by the Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center (Pushidrosal) to conduct surveys and mapping after the earthquake and tsunami in the waters of Palu Bay.




According to the Rear Admiral Harjo Susmoro, Head of the Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center (Kapushidrosal), the KRI-934 SPICA found an underwater landslide at a depth of 200-500 m at Cape Labuan/Wani, in Palu Bay, using her Multibeam Echosounder EM-302 which was capable of measuring depths of up to 6,000 m.

The results obtained by the Pushidrosal Team, said Harjo to ANTARA News, were confirmed by Tsunami Experts, Dr Gegar Sapta Prasetya and Dr Rahman Hidayat, who were on board on KRI-934 SPICA and called it “submarine slumps” which were assumed to be the cause of the tsunami.


The KRI-934 SPICA also checked the possibility of a shallow water spot at the mouth of the bay and added more areas for bathymetric survey outside the waters of Palu Bay. “This aims to strengthen data for making thematic maps of disaster mitigation”, said Kapushidrosal to ANTARA News.


 The latest acquisition data from Pushidrosal certainly could provide more detailed seabed information considering the two "Multibeam Echosounders" capabilities used on-board the KRI-934 SPICA, and KRI-933 RIGEL, to produce "full coverage bathymetry" sounding.




 For the Central Government, this data and information will serve as a basis for:

 - Implementing policies on how to predict future geological processes,

 - Mitigating disasters after an earthquake followed by a tsunami in the future,

 - Planning the reconstruction of infrastructure around the coast as well as the realignment of detailed spatial plans.


Source : Jakarta (ANTARA News) -

Characteristics of the ship

  • Length overall
    60.00 m
  • Capacity
    34 Crew + 16 Personnel
  • Speed
    15 knots
  • Range
    4400nm @12knots